Hear what I’ve seen, see what I’ve been...

From my early earth years in the warm salty waters of the South Pacific,
Emerging through the thick rainforest of equatorial mountains,
Sucked into and dragged out of the dry heat of the deserts in The Lucky Country,
Dumped by the waves of the Indian Ocean and retreating to the center.
Brazenly navigating blue skies and sailing onto the shores
Of Finland’s frozen archipelago.
© Kevin Stewart

Travelling through the great unknown
Hear what I’ve seen
See what I’ve been
What’s it like amongst the overgrown?
Let me put this delicately,
or should I reveal the sight obscene?
Alien shores
Don’t know me no more
forest peeps
birds squeak
heart seeps
pebbles grind as the future unwinds

© Nathalie Sallegren